

Normal transaction: Similar to every transaction in EVM: sending the token and interacting with the smart contract. It will be executed and confirmed by the validator node.

Cross-chain message: The transaction sends proof of the task to the Bittensor. It will be processed by the validator and sent to the sequencer, then submitted to TAO and await the result.


Sequencer: Responsible for ordering and processing transactions within the Klay Chain network. The sequencer plays a critical role in the Klay Chain network's scalability solution by efficiently processing and ordering transactions off-chain before committing them to the TAO main net, enabling significant improvements in throughput and cost-effectiveness compared to executing transactions directly on the Ethereum main net.

Klay Chain network: The Klay Chain network consists of several types of nodes: storage nodes, computing nodes, and validator nodes. They operate independently like separate blockchains. It uses the dPoS consensus mechanism with the native token being TAO, bridged from the Bittensor network through LayerZero.

Validator node: Validates transactions within the network, distributes rewards to storage nodes and computing nodes, and sends cross-chain messages and tasks to the sequencer for submission to the Bittensor network.

Computing node: Provides resources to perform tasks related to machine learning and AI. Before providing resources, the computing node must register with the Klay Chain network through the Task Contract.

Storage Node: Connects to off-chain data service providers through the Klay Chain adapter. Additionally, the storage node links to nodes of other blockchains to retrieve on-chain data via the Klay Chain adapter. Similar to computing nodes, storage nodes must register with the Klay Chain network through the Node Contract.

Klay Chain smart contract: The Klay Chain network features several smart contracts for management, including:

● Governance contract (consensus): Manages the governance of the network, including consensus mechanisms.

● Node contract: Manages nodes within the network and distributes rewards to nodes.

● Task contract: Manages tasks and rewards users upon task completion.

Bridge: The Klay Chain network utilizes LayerZero as a bridge from the Bittensor network. TAO is the native token of the Klay Chain network, used to pay fees for transactions within the Klay Chain network.

Klay Chain adapter: The Klay Chain adapter is a protocol that enables storage nodes to access data from other blockchains and provide that data for activities within the Klay Chain network. The Klay Chain adapter is currently undergoing development and refinement.

Last updated